Our shared values establish a workplace experience that encourages exceptional service, innovation, and happy and engaged employees. We believe investing in our people will ultimately create better customer experiences and a more productive organization. If you are interested in a career opportunity with Inyo-Mono Title Company fill out the application for employment and return to the contact below
Inyo-Mono Title Company has been serving the Eastern Sierra for over a century and has been locally owned and operated since 1913. Inyo-Mono Title Company has the only complete title plant with records on every parcel of land dating back to 1860. We are the only Title Company with a physical presence in both counties.
Although Inyo and Mono Counties were born of mining activities, their founders were wise enough to select agricultural settlements rather than mining camps for county seats.
- Mary DeDecker, Title Officer
Mono County mining centers such as Lundy, Benton, Mammoth, and Masonic each held a bright spot in history for a time. The agricultural communities of Coleville, Bridgeport and Lee Vining still exist today as small but lively towns.
- Mary DeDecker, Title Officer
Inyo County began with Coso, Kearsarge, Bend City, and countless other mining camps. Cerro Gordo, its greatest producer, is credited with contributing to the growth of the City of Los Angeles.
- Mary DeDecker , Title Officer
Learn more about our products and services, and how Inyo-Mono Title Company can help you streamline your transaction and protect your investment.